Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Excuse the mess . . .

. . . but people live here.

At least this is what my new friend and neighbor has told me!! I am using this phrase and one of my own (work in progress - baby growing) to get by with the fact that my house is a mess. A real mess. Yep. Oh, don't let the picture fool you. I may be feeling a little bit okay with my excuses but I am not so confident as to show you my basement. Ugggh!! Right now I am actually supposed to be cleaning it (personal goal) and yet, I blog.

I watched this new show called "Hoarders" the other night - it scared the living daylights out of me. First of all, I never ever want to end up like the people that were interviewed. Second of all, maybe I am not doing so bad. After all, I still have Sterling convinced (though it is mostly true!) that I cannot stand to do the dishes because of the smell of sitting food. Ucccckk!! So at least that part of the house is being cleaned.

In the meantime, as long as I can keep the kids in clean clothes I feel fine with that!! Okay, not a really high expectation but I am working with a pregnant body here!

Okayyyy, off to pick up some toys . . .


briana said...

if that is a mess, i hate for you to see my house when i am well! :) i have been thinking about you and hoping all is well.

Lei said...

I am so glad I stopped by, I was sittign here thinking - I miss Zoe! And so I pulled up your blog, and see this great news! CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy for you. And I too will pray for you to have a girl!!!