The boutique was by all means successful, although there were not quite as many customers as we had hoped for. I have several products left over so - I am actually thinking of opening an Etsy store. I am not sure what I am going to do right now. If not, well, I have plenty of Christmas presents!
I almost forgot to take some pictures so I was happy that there was still a bunch of stuff still there when I went back the second day. One of my favorites was the red, blue, and grey tote bag shown in the picture below . . . it was also one of my best sellers. I think that I am going to have to buy more of this fabric to make one for myself. :)

I also made some cute baby bibs, some lunch totes, and of course you can see the bunting I mentioned in my last post.
Also making an appearance were my sock monkey wallets. These were one of my favorite creations from the mini swap. My friend's little boy spent his allowance money to buy himself one of these. It was so flattering to me that he would want it so badly. Of course, I cut him a good deal!! LOL!
All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I thought that this might satisfy my need to create but I find that I only have more and more ideas. All the more reasons to maybe do the Etsy thing. I don't know if my husband is going to cut me off though!! LOL! I know, "moderation" is a word that I really need to learn!
For now, the preschool year is coming to an end and so this means crunch time with the yearbooks. I am gearing up for 4 days of wall to wall graduations and late nights on the computer. (Which reminds me, I am now coming to you from my NEW laptop!! :):) I LOVEEEEEE it sooo much! I love it! Thank you Sterling!!) This pretty much did me in last year. I do love designing the pages though and I feel such love for this little kids as I have followed them throughout the school year. Next fall, Myles will be going to the preschool so I will get to make an extra special book for him. :)
Hopefully I will make it through the next few weeks without losing my sanity and gaining 10 lbs!! (Which is also another topic that I need to address - I have been doing sooo bad with Weight Watchers these days. I finally quit last week but, after a week of no guidance, I have decided to go back to the fold! LOL! I just need to dig down and find the motivation and commitment that I need to lose this weight!! Why does it have to be so hard for some people . . . oh, another post . . . )
Anywho - here's looking forward to summer break!! :)