If you were to come to my house right now you might notice that everyone who lives here has some sort of thread or fabric scrap stuck to their clothing! This is mainly because I don't have a craft room to call my own - thus, my house turns into project central and everyone has to be a part of it . . . even Owen who has taken to eating the fabric scraps that fall on the floor!
It has almost been like Christmas time around here with all of the packages of fabric arriving in the mail!! I don't think that there is anything better then getting fabric in the mail. Well, maybe getting fabric at the store!! LOL!
I have been sewing like a mad woman trying to get ready for the little boutique that I mentioned earlier. I have about 2 weeks more to get ready. Enough time? I don't think so but, I am going to do my best to get all of my items ready.
One thing that I am doing is bunting. I must admit that this adorable idea came to me from various blogs and websites such as Kirsten's,Posy's and Shannon's. I don't think that many people in my neck of the woods have seen this cute decorating idea so I thought that it might be a hit. If it isn't, I will have a lot of bunting hanging around my house . . . or maybe the outside of the house . . . or maybe on my car! Yeah, I like that!! LOL! :)

As you can see, I do not have much to show for my efforts but, creating is a process that will blossom when you least expect it! (Yes, I did think of that on my own!! He he!)
Anywho, I will have to post more pictures when I actually have something to show you! :)
Way to go Zoe and these fabrics looked so beautiful and you do have good taste :D
I could have posted this on my blog! my craft fair is in 3-1/2 weeks and I have a ton of 1/2 finished projects littering my house! Lots of fabric too! I think I need about 50 hours just to do all the handsewing that will complete everything.
If I have time I might make a bunting to decorate my booth---but I have a feeling time won't let me do it!
Enjoy your sewing time!
Those fabrics make me so excited and I don't even know how to sew. :D
Beautiful :)
OOOOhhh! What a great stack of fabric! I too, love to sew! It's difficult to keep the house clean ...the 15 m.o. girls like to try and grab all the sewing stuff and run off with it...have to be careful. My dd 12 sews with me. She and I could spend days in the fabric store. I'm not allowing myself to go back until I finish the approx. 20 projects I already have going....
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog. I've really enjoyed reading yours today.
Oh I cannot wait to see Zoe! Those fabrics are beautiful, I can just imagine the uses. :)
Just stopping in to say hello:)
Hmm, this sounds familiar! Even though I do have a dedicated crafting space, my projects get strewn all throughout the house. I too plan on making a bunting for the near future. I started it last night, then decided to put it on hold until I get a pinking rotary blade. Pinking all those edges with scissors is for the birds!
Wow-those fabrics are beautiful. I love getting new fabrics.
Those are such fun fabrics. I can only sew very simple things. I wish I were better. I've always thought about doing a craft fair, but don't have enough confidence that anything would sell. Hope yours is successful!
Love the fabrics!!! and the Bunting!!!
Thanks for stopping by to check on me. I have just been too buisy to blog. I hope to get back to it next week.
HELLO! How are YOU?
Those fabrics are beautiful! I'm looking for something bright for my infant carrier... these are fabulous!
I saw your comment on another blog about http://www.worlds-best-mothers-guide.com but it pulls up something weird that doesn't look like what you're talking about. Can you confirm the site?
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