Dear Friends and Family,
Merry Christmas! This is a momentous year as it is the first time that we have ever included a letter in our Christmas card. The peer pressure was finally too much for us to handle. Our little (but rowdy) family has been so blessed with another year of memories and growth. We thought we would share a few of the highlights with you!
Asher (who turns 8 in January) has turned into a wonderful helper for mom and dad. He is in the 2nd grade and he loves socializing with all of his friends. This summer several of the girls in the neighborhood started noticing Asher. They would show up on their bikes, asking if Asher could play. Being a gentleman, Asher would quickly offer them a light refreshment of Otter Pops. He really knows how to turn on the charm!
Myles (3) is our little comedian. He likes to crack us up by going cross-eyed or pretending to lap up water like a dog. (At least, Sterling and I hope that he is doing this as a joke!) He often exclaims, “Mommy, I’m silly”! Myles started preschool this year and it is a delight to see the art projects that he brings home.
Owen (16 months old) has the energy of a monkey and the build of a linebacker. Owen can eat his big brothers under the table and still spare some food for the dog. When Owen is not climbing on, tearing apart, or calling 911, (yes, the police did show up) he is usually running around the house saying, “Daaaddddddy, Dadddyyyy” or “Uh-oh”.
Sterling is still self-employed with Rapidwave, which continues to grow, serving happy internet customers all over the valley. One of the perks of being self-employed it that Sterling gets to work from home, although sometimes he has to stop working to fend off the kids from entering his “domain”. Sterling has also had the opportunity to travel and teach for Motorola this year, which he is really enjoying.
As for me, well, what can I say? Raising three little monkeys is definitely a full-time job. Between the spilled juice, fights over Hotwheel cars, and constant wrestling, (and that is just Sterling!) I still find time to have my creative outlets. I still enjoy playing around in Photoshop, sewing, and taking Valium. Okay, not really with the Valium but a Mom can dream, right?!
We hope that the close of this year finds you in good spirits and great health!
Best Wishes,
Sterling, Zoe, Asher, Myles, and Owen Jacobson
1 comment:
What a cute card. So, happy and springy looking.
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