This month seemed to go by in a flash! It was such a busy, happy, and productive month. I am sad to see it end. I always hate it when the Christmas season is over. I wanted to share a few of my favorite moments.

Owen meets Santa for the first time . . . it did not go over very well. I don't think that Santa was offended.

Myles helps me make some treats for the neighbors. Unfortunately, I turned my back for one minute to get the phone and Myles decided to turn the mixer on without me. I think that he was just as shocked as I was at the cloud of flour!!

I manage to actually produce a small quantity of handmade gifts! Some of them are from patterns found in
Last Minute Patchwork + Quilted Gifts and others (the wallets) I got off of the
Sew Mama Sew! website.

The boys help me prepare for the Christmas festivities by decorating our basement with a huge paper chain and lots of (messy, little tiny pieces of paper everywhere, what was I thinking) handmade snowflakes. We also make some party favors to give to our relatives on Christmas day when they come over for dinner.

Christmas Eve finally arrives!! Hooray! The boys are so excited that they can hardly sit still for Daddy to read them "T'was the Night Before Christmas". Asher actually says that he wants to go to bed early and fore go our usual family movie . . . he changed his mind though!
I cannot get the boys to sit still for the photo of them placing Santa's food by the fireplace. Myles and Owen also decided to help themselves to a few of the reindeers' carrots.

Christmas morning! Asher and Myles wake up at 5:30 - uggggh!! I tell them to wait a little bit longer. Finally at 6, I go into Myles' room and find that they have opened their stockings (and candy) and are having a little party! We finally wake Daddy up, finish opening stockings, then go downstairs to see what Santa brought the boys.

Pure joy! This is one of my favorite parts! Seeing the excitement on the boys faces when they get what they "always wanted"! Even Sterling, with his new "Guitar Heros III" (which I have played non-stop since Christmas . . . man, that game is really addicting!!) Asher was also excited to get his first official pair of cap shooting guns (thanks Aunt Anna).

After resting up and getting ready for the day, the rest of the family shows up for a big dinner. It was a lot of fun . . . and a lot of food. Ummmm.
We have a tradition in my family to open Christmas crackers and put on our little crowns. Sterling's family were good sports about it and they actually wore the crowns too! It was a really great day.
I hope that this month was a great one for all of you and that you had a wonderful time sharing in the spirit of the season with your family and loved ones! I hope that we can all carry this feeling with us throughout the next year!
Looks like all was merry and bright at your house this year. I love the flour fling picture. That's something my kids would do.
Happy New Year!!!
It looks like your time at Roberts was well spent. I love the cones.
You have a beautiful family. The picture of Owen with Santa looks pretty similar to the one we have of Zoƫ. She is terrified and now even pictures of him freak her out.
Girl! Check you OUT. The home made gifts - - I am quite impressed. If only I could do that....... Oh! And the photograph of your son and the mixer - - I am still giggling. His expression is priceless.
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