Thursday, June 14, 2007


Okay, so I know that I have been missing for far too long these days. I have a million things to post about. Almost daily I think of something that I would like to share on my blog but, alas, the preschool books are consuming all of my time! (Oh why did I procrastinate all year long!?)

I couldn't decide whether or not I should tell you about the double blind experiment that my crazy uncle administered to my cousin's husband who proclaims to be able to tell the difference between the brown and other colored peanut M&M's. Or I could discuss So You Think You Can Dance, one of my favorite summer time shows ( . . . and Mia's mullet hairdo!? Oh please don't let the mullet become popular again!!)

No, I will just tell you about the excitement that we have had around home lately.

First, I would like to briefly touch on the dry brush fire that burned at least 15 acres (I stink at estimating this kind of distance . . . but it was A LOT of land). The fire actually came pretty close to our neighborhood. And for a while did not look like it was not going to slow down because of the fierce winds that were blowing. The people in the neighborhood above us were evacuated and, around 12:30 am, our overzealous neighborhood watch person (who we love dearly :) knocked on our door to tell us to get our things ready to go.

I told Sterling that I was going to have to go and check out the fire for myself just to make sure (I know, I just can't take someones word for it!). I drove to the top row in our neighborhood to find that the fire had all but subsided. At which point, I went home and went to bed!

My friend Jen actually has some really cool pics of the fire on her blog . . . her house would have been one of the first to go if the fire did reach our neighborhood. Good thing that it didn't!!

Next, I wanted to share this AWESOME website with you!

This lady has a ton of free, printable toys to make. Free and adorable. My boys loved it and Asher has seriously spent the last 3 days consumed with creating each and every toy. So, if you are looking for some fun activities to help pass the summer days you should really check this site out!

Third, I would like the mention the brief stint that I had as a "Potty Trainer". It only lasted for 1 day. This was enough time for Myles to actually (coincidentally) go pee-pee in the toilet and win his grand prize toy. ( . . . and enough time for Sterling to veto the whole ordeal and say that it was too soon.)

Don't even get me started on the implications of not following through with this. I know, I just don't have what it takes yet. Maybe in 6 months!

A picture of Myles enjoying his new underwear and toy!

Finally, and most importantly, my little Myles turned 3 today! I cannot believe that my precious baby is growing up sooo quickly. I was telling Sterling that it seems like just yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital. I have a vivid memory of this because I remember panicking and thinking, "what the heck am I doing with TWO kids??" And now, here I am with three - such a breeze *snicker, snicker*.

Myles is my sensitive, tender one. His emotions are so close to the surface. Lately he has become quite vocal about his disapproval of me doing anything other then playing with him. If I abandon him, he quickly shouts, "NONNI!!" (that is what he calls me . . . soo cute!)

We had a little family celebration at home. The highlight was this beach ball sprinkler from Pottery Barn Kids that my mom and dad sent to him. (Thank you so much Grandma and Grandpa!)

I had grand plans to throw him an awesome (neighborhood) birthday party with cupcakes and everything. However, I must admit that after the success that we had tonight, I am tempted to call it good. Does that make me a bad mom if I don't do the friends party?! Humm, the pressure that we put on ourselves sometimes!!

Anyway, I am so blessed and grateful to have my little Milosh (pronounced with a Russian accent). I love you baby boy!


Anonymous said...

okay, let's see here...
don't tell anyone, but SYTYCD is my summer guilty pleasure - and my husband doesn't understand that at all. (and what was up with the costume critique last night? like they choose their own costumes!)

the toymaker is fun - we've tried that.

i notice a certain table/chair set that we have as well! :)

congrats to myles on his big 0-3 - and totally call it good! that sprinkler looks like fun, i'm sure they had a ball. and at 3, a friend party is definitely not a necessity.

long enough comment for you? well, it was a long post! :)

beki said...

Happy Birthday to Myles! My Alex is celebrating his 3rd birthday today. We're planning a party on Saturday, as in, we just called family yesterday and told them to come over. There is just not enough time in the day for me to plan big kid parties.

Thanks for the link to they toy maker. I'll have to check that out. It sounds like something Lily would be all over.

And yes, I am an avid SYTYCD fan. I love it! I think it brings back memories of staying up late to watch "Dance Fever" as a kid.

Lei said...

Aw, happy bday to him! I cannot believe how big he's gotten. 3! WOW!

#1 had a 2 year bday party, #2 started at 3 yrs. I am seriosuly considering waiting another year (until age 4) for #3's first bday party. :) Don't sweat it if it doens't happen!

I am excited to try out that site!

Shionge said...

Hey Zoe, thanks for the update and imagine having the bush fire so close by :( I'll be very worried too.

The boys seemed to have great fun with that beach ball ya! Also, Happy 3 years old Myles :D

Finally, Happy Papa's Day to your hubby too :D