Friday, April 07, 2006

Mr. Myles

I am happy to announce that this morning Sterling and Asher left on a little weekend getaway . . . leaving Mommy and Myles home all alone!! YIPEEEE! It has been soooo nice. I mean, of course I will miss them but, the day is so different when it is just me and my not so demanding toddler. So far today, we have slept, eaten, slept, and humm, he is playing with his cars now. It has been wonderful.

These last few days, Myles' little personality has really been making itself known. I am realizing that he is a very very independent little boy. Myles always seems to have somewhere to go, something to do, you know, all of the important things that a 21 month old has on the agenda!

Well, a couple of days ago, I was lying down on the floor, playing with the boys. Myles went upstairs and I didn't think anything of it. I could hear him riding his little tricycle around the living room and after a few minutes, I am sad to say that I lost track of him. Well, about 5-10 minutes later, my husband's friend called on the phone to let him know that our dog was outside. "How could that be," I thought, "Marcello is right here." Then I thought, "How did he get outside anyway?!" Well, my brain slowly started to kick in and I realized that if Marcello had made it outside, then Myles was sure to follow.

Asher, Sterling, and I ran upstairs to find our front door wide open, with Myles tricycle parked in the opening. Ahhhh! Sterling and Asher started running around outside while I went and hopped in the minivan. As I was speeding around our neighborhood, all that I could think of was the lake that is about 5 houses down from our home. It was choppy and dark that day! Myles always heads in that direction when we are outside playing.

At that moment, I started to pray. I thought, is this the day that we become one of those families? One minute our lives are happy and normal, the next minute, we lose our child. The loss was too huge for me to even think of and I know that I would become hysterical at any minute if I thought too much about this.

By this point, I had circled the road closest to the lake. There was no sign of Myles. As I started to head back up the hill towards our house, I saw my friend Ashley . . . she was holding Myles! There he was, barefoot and holding his favorite car, oblivious to the commotion he had caused.

Apparently, Myles had headed for the lake. A construction worker had seen him and went to Ashley's house to see if she knew who the child was. She did of course. I was so embarrassed, relieved, and sick inside!! Sterling and I both agreed that the thought of what could have happened was too much to even think about. That night I thanked Heavenly Father sooooo much for watching over my little boy. Needless to say, we now keep all of our doors locked!

Yesterday, Myles feed himself macaroni and cheese with a fork! This is a huge milestone for him. He is so proud. With every bite that he gets into his mouth he looks at me for praise and approval. Today, he is refusing to eat unless he feeds himself! Very independent. As I watch him, I let my mind drift off a little bit to the thought of what could have happened. It is too much to think about.

I am so grateful that he is here, that he was safe! I love my little man. He is stubborn sometimes and independent. He may have a busy list of things to do everyday . . . but, I love the moments where he takes time out to come and snuggle and hug me. I love him so much and I thank God that he is safe!


smart mama said...

so cute- don't you hate those mothering episodes...its amazing how they grow up

Evey said...

I am so glad the little guy is okay. He is SO cute and sounds absolutly precious.

Unknown said...

I'm glad nothing bad happened to your little boy!
Yay for self feeding!

Ju said...

Wow. What a scary moment that must have been for you and your family.

Gabriela said...

How scary! Glad to hear everything turned out fine. Hope you had a nice weekend.

Lei said...

Oh Zoe - that is so scary! I am so relieved that he's okay. You poor thing... you're smart to not think about what could have been, because he was being looked out for! And that is a huge blessing!


Patti said...

Phew! I am so glad he is okay. He's adorable!

Anonymous said...

That's a few more gray hairs/ worry lines for you then.
: )
I'm so glad he was safe.

Nettie said...

Oh my gosh, this post made me cry! I am so glad for the happy ending! Losing a child is my greatest fear. Thank goodness for heaven's blessings!