Wednesday, March 29, 2006

"Mommy, Baby Myles pooped in the tub!"

Yes, those are the words that every mother longs to hear. Right. Tonight I was resting on the sofa, trying to settle my (still) queasy stomach. I could hear the boys splashing around in the tub, giggling, and having fun. Sterling was on his way home from work and I was rather proud to present him with the feast that I made for dinner. Then the bomb hit. Literally.

I went around the corner to see Myles with this look on his face like he had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Ughhhh! I took the boys to my shower to clean them off. And, being the terrible (pregnant and queasy I might add) wife that I am, I left the tub for Sterling.

I love my man. Of course, he was not overjoyed to come home with this project waiting for him, but, he knows that I would do it if I could. So, he is upstairs eating . . . slowly, trying to prolong the inevitable task that awaits him. I love him.


smart mama said...

its not being mean- its all about sharing the love- our bond with our children is about the service we render them and man those dads at work all day don't get to enjoy the full measure of parenthood
(also a leave it for husband gal here!)

Tee/Tracy said...

LOL - Poop in the tub is sooooo yucky - and with a nauseous preggo tummy on top of it - BLEH!

Thank goodness for good husbands :)


Taylor said...


Lei said...

Get back here and tell us what you're having already!!! ;)

Taylor said...

GEEEESH It's 9:30pm and you still haven't told us!!!!!! I'm going nuts!