Monday, August 08, 2005


I cannot believe that the girls over at Blogger Biggest Loser had this link!!! The hilarious thing it that one night, about a month ago, my friends and I seriously tried to learn this dance. Yes, we are nerds. It was not just my girlfriends either . . . it was their husbands too!! It was quite a sight to see! How awesome . . . now we can really get our groove on!! :) I WILL master Napoleon's moves!! LOL!


Melissa said...

Hi! I followed your link from Biggest Loser. Welcome to the group!

Tee/Tracy said...

Napoleon's dance is the best! LOL. I put that link on there - I'm so glad someone else besides geeky me is enjoying it.

See ya around, Zoe!

Taylor said...

Glad you joined the group!