Thank you so much for all of your comforting words! It really does help me to realize that I can get through this with my boys. I also realize that there are many things that could be more difficult and trying to deal with. I am grateful that these are my trials.
Just an update, I went to the Dr. today to get Myles' ears checked out. Everything is normal. (Which is great.) So, my next move is to contact the Early Intervention place that helped Asher.
I was talking to the Audiologist about my situation with my boys. He told me that he had dealt with a lot of Autistic patients whose parents had brought them to him for very similar reasons. I said to him "You know, it usually runs in families and it is usually more prominent in boys." He told me that he actually knew a family that had five boys, four of them were different levels of Autistic. Wow. I tried not to cry right there in the office.
After talking to Sterling about it, I realize that I am very blessed that Asher is so high functioning. Sure it is hard at times, but, isn't parenthood hard regardless!? And Myles, well, we still have that road ahead of us. We have not even confirmed that he will be like his brother. After all, Myles does show promising behaviors that Asher never displayed at his age such as eye contact, pointing, emotional contact, and babbling. And, just the fact that I am having another boy does not mean that he will be like his brothers.
So, I feel bad for even complaining out loud. I know that there are stronger people out there in the world dealing with trials that I could never take on. I also know that my trials are meant for me but, I cannot make it through them without the help of the Lord. (And sweet friends who leave wonderful words of encouragement on my blog!) Thank you for all of your kindness!
I just read you last post and this one. That really is a challange, you shouldn't feel bad about needing to vent about it. You sound like a terrific mom and I'm sure you will be blessed as you work your way through all of it. And I bet your sharing your situation helps other moms out their who are going through tough times.
I can barely handle my two boys as they are; I really admire you for being able to handle what you have to handle. Hang in there! :)
zoe- sorry i didn't get to post before- developmental milestones can cause major mom stress--living with autism is very taxing- and the thought of wondering if you will have to deal with those things again would be overwhelming--one of my favorite friends, her son has autism (as does her triplet sister's son) So i really know how in the back your mind there have to be fears for #2 and #3. Label or no label they are still the same kids, you will always love them and always be a great mom- really if you every need to talk it out more- let me know
hey zoe can you email me?, my friend stacey,(who i mentioned on in my comment read your blog and wanted to drop you a line)
Hi Zoe ~ I just posted this response to your previous posting and now am reposting it here...not really familiar with how these sites work and wanted to make sure you got this. I'm a friend of Leslie G's. She just emailed me with your posting. What you are going through is not unlike my story. My sister and I both have sons who were diagnosed on the Autistic Spectrum of Disorders when they were 18 months, one with Autism and one with PDD-NOS. Therapy followed, and everything that that entails...countless hours, years of hard work for the child, you, your husband, therapists...tears, frustration, FEAR, anger, yes, sometimes self-pity, expense, stress, success and sometimes not enough. My son got early intervention (ABA therapy)at PCDI in NJ for a while and is now testing "neurotypically." NBC did a series on Autism this past year and my son was featured as one of the stories. I would be happy to talk with you about my experience as well as my sister's, and help you in any way I can. I have a 14 mo. old girl now whom I'm watching very closely. If you'd like to talk you can reach me at If you'd prefer to talk on the phone just email me with your number. I know what you're going through and my prayers are with you. Stacey
I'm sorry I wasn't here for your last post, Zoe. I just have big hugs for ya. {{{HUGS}}}
I can't imagine what kind of stress you're under but God will not give you more than you can handle. Hang in there.
Don't ever feel bad about venting. We all need to do it now and then. Life is not all happy and easy. I think you are strong for taking care of your boys and doing what you need to to help them develop at their own pace. Hang in there!
Hang in there, your sons are beauitful and Heavenly Father knew who he was choosing for their mom! {{{HUGS}}}
Just found you through a new read of mine. You are listed on my bloggy for a Shout OUT!
I am really late on posting this, but I worked as a therapist for children with autism during my college years, and I know how draining and worrisome it can be for moms. I am praying for you and your boys, who are blessed to have a mother so in tune to their needs! If you ever need/want to talk about specifics regarding autism, let me know, I have seen a lot and can at least understand what you are dealing with!
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