This is my second attempt to update my blog in the last couple of weeks. Every time I start I get sidetracked by something else (like my children screaming in my face) and never get to finish my entry. So- here goes!
I am finally 14 weeks along (Woooohoooooo) and I am starting to pull out of my endless nausea/depression/I would rather die/please shoot me in my sleep stage of pregnancy! :) I am still taking Zofran (my "Precious") and thankfully it has continued to keep me from throwing up. My stomach is also starting to bulge but I fear that I look more fat than pregnant. Oh well, my body is not my own. That is what I keep telling myself.
In other news, my boys are growing everyday, despite my efforts to strike up a deal with both of them that they stay small forever. I think that it is already a lost cause with Asher who just turned 6! But, Myles stills lets me snuggle and pinch his chubby thighs. I do love them more than anything. Here is a picture that I took of the two on Asher's birthday. Asher got this new "car" toy from his grandma. He loves it. Unfortunately, because of all of the snow that we had outside, he had to keep it indoors. I was happy to see him share it with his brother.
I am finally 14 weeks along (Woooohoooooo) and I am starting to pull out of my endless nausea/depression/I would rather die/please shoot me in my sleep stage of pregnancy! :) I am still taking Zofran (my "Precious") and thankfully it has continued to keep me from throwing up. My stomach is also starting to bulge but I fear that I look more fat than pregnant. Oh well, my body is not my own. That is what I keep telling myself.
In other news, my boys are growing everyday, despite my efforts to strike up a deal with both of them that they stay small forever. I think that it is already a lost cause with Asher who just turned 6! But, Myles stills lets me snuggle and pinch his chubby thighs. I do love them more than anything. Here is a picture that I took of the two on Asher's birthday. Asher got this new "car" toy from his grandma. He loves it. Unfortunately, because of all of the snow that we had outside, he had to keep it indoors. I was happy to see him share it with his brother.

Finally, I wanted to give a shout out to a couple of my friends who finally joined the blogging world!! One is my neighbor Jen - who I love! She is really awesome and I think that you guys will love her too!
Another blog that is a must read is my dear friend and kindred spirit (and old college roommate) Leilani . Even though we live so far apart from each other I feel like I can keep up on her life now that she has a blog.
So, these should both bring some enjoyable reading! Whew, what do you know, I finished my entry!! :) Well, hopefully I will be posting again before Easter. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!!
Yay! I have been holding my breath and you nearly killed me! ;-) Thanke for the shameless plug. xxx
ZOE - consider yourself tagged!
Remove the top name and place yours at the bottom...
1) Teacher going Mad
2) Saras always right
3) ProfessorMe
4) Musicalmom
5) My Many Colored Days
Then select 5 others to tag.
Finally, answer the questions:
What were you doing 10 years ago?
What were you doing 1 year ago?
Five snacks you enjoy:
Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
Five things you like doing: Five things you would never wear again:
Five favorite toys:
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