It seems like every time I turn my back my boys are up to something fishy!! I cannot keep up with them!! Between trying to keep Myles out of the toilets and Asher out of the ice cream . . . it is a miracle I get anything done during the day. I love these little monkeys so much though!! Just seeing the crazy things that they do makes me smile! Before I go to lecture them . . . I try to remember that these days will go by so quickly. I need to enjoy them and laugh with them while I can!
Samsung brings out dual-standard DVD player
According to Xinhuanet, Samsung will introduce a DVD player capable of handling both the Blu-Ray and HD DVD formats if rivals Sony and Toshiba fail to agree on a unified format.
Don Jr
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OMG 5 spammers already? Did they get thru that even with the word verification on? Geesh, how annoying.
Those pictures are so cute! I especially love the little doggie reaching up for some handouts!
Where have you been lately? You have been MIA for like months!!!
oh no...too many spammers my dear...them *(&%^&&^%$$!!
your boys r 2 cute...My little girl who just turned 2 last week, is alwyas nto something..I catch her eating from the dogs bowl almost daily..lol
Stupid anonymous comments :p
You should disable anonymous comments so they don't bug you like this...
The boys are SOOO adorable! You SHOULD enjoy them! Even if they're mischevious little monkeys!
...ah, there's the word verification. You must have just turned that on? LOL. Smart lady!
lol! My boys do the dishwasher thing too! Is that a window your child is climbing out of?? ROFL!
Hey...thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! Your boys are adorable. Come back to my blog anytime:)
I love how you did that picture formation, did you use a special program?
I just saw you comment on Evey's blog, so I thought I would pop over and see yours. :)
Your boys are sure cutie pies, even if they always seem to be into something. That's boys for you hehe
Such cute pix, Zoe!! Love the dishwasher one! Hope all's well. Thanks for your thoughts regarding our niece. She's such a fighter! The docs are thrilled with her progress although she'll still have a long time in NICU. Take care!
What is with the friggin' dishwasher? My kids pulled down the curtain in the playroom, threw candles at the ceiling and they stuck, and wet their pants twice each. That was just today. I have to really quit getting on the computer and ignoring them. ;)
What gorgeous little monkeys!
Damn spammers!
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