Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Home again . . .

Back from Disneyland. It was wonderful. So nice and relaxing . . . and I even got my 10,000 steps a day in! Who would have thunk it!
I have a TON of pictures . . . at least 300 - don't worry, I am not going to post them all. He he! I haven't downloaded them yet so it will have to wait (sorry mom). I wish I could just live in Disneyland. It is real you know! :)


briana said...

hope you had a great trip!

Anonymous said...

I know where you live...Mom

Owen said...

Live in Disneyland? You are a brave one Zoe!

Evey said...

I am going to disneyland in November for thanksgiving and im SO excited. HOORAY! Csn't wait to see your pics and stuff.

Tracy said...

Well, where are those pics?! :)