My name is Zoe Jacobson, and I am a fabriholic. I know that this may come as a shock to many but, I assure you, the signs have been there all along.
Symptoms of this disorder may include:
A) Extreme giddiness at the arrival of a package of fabric. (i.e. bursts of joy, jumping, and strange faces.)
B) Desire to roll around naked in fabric . . . but with clothes on will also do.
C) Urge to fold fabric over and over again until it is "just so". Then, placing the fabric on a shelf, drawer, table, bag and henceforth referring to it as "My Precious".
I am not ashamed to admitting my weaknesses, while others may cower and desire not to show their face.
It is like I am always trying to tell those in my support group, "Acceptance is the first step. Don't be afraid to embrace your obsession!!"
And so, to lead by example-
My name is Zoe and I LOVE fabric!
Hi, my name is Beki - I accept it loud and clear!!
So what are you planning on doing with all the fabric? Big plans?
Yes I'm siked about SYTYCD. By the way what time are we meeting, where are we eating, etc? Let me know. Catch you later.
Hi my name is Erica and I want to be a member. I envy fabrics from a far but I feel like I am right on the edge of actually ordering my own. Thank you for your brave story.
First of all, Zoe, you look HOT! All tan and skinny. What is your secret?
Fabric does nothing for me, but books, oh I love books. I love to hold them in my hands, smell the new smell, and enjoy each and every page. Same with Real Simple and some other favorite magazines. I do it all with my clothes on, and have never rolled around naked in them, but hey, maybe I'll try that!
You're awesome and I'm glad that are comfortable with your passion :)
Hi, my name is Jennifer and I too love fabric. I'm so bad that I find it hard to get rid of old clothing made of fabric that I like. I have stacks and stacks of fabric. Have I had time to sew lately? No, but I would gladly go to the fabric store and buy even more fabric!!
Do you have plans for your fabric?
Oh, and if i didn't say so before. I love the new look of your blog!!
I too love fabric and I don't even sew that well! Lol!
Those pics of you are so cute!! You may wish you could dance, but I would LOVE to sew. I once made a dress in high school, that fell apart in my closet on the hanger! Yes, I said on the hanger...
It was fun chatting last night! :)
my name is leslie and i love fabric too. I can totally relate to all of that. I recently re-folded my whole stash and put everything in rainbow order. and man did that feel great! I was giggling with delight the whole time.
Fun fabrics! What are your plans for your precious beauties? And where did you get them? Some of the patterns look familiar.
Ooo. Heather Bailey?
Hey check out if you love fabric!
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