My friend Leilani mentioned me on her blog as one of her needed "daily doses"! I am so flattered. I feel the same way about so many blogs out there!
I think that blogging, reading other people's blogs, and cultivating friendships through the blogging world is what keeps me sane. I seriously don't know how women did it before blogs!! Sometimes, these are the only adult interactions (aside from my husband) that I get in a day. Humm, that does sound kind of sad to say out loud . . . I mean, it is wintertime . . . I don't get out much okay!!! LOL!
Zoe, I love your blog because we live parallel universes with three little boys and our insatiable need to create stuff! You and I and Lisa need to meet for lunch during the foul month of January to brighten it up a little!
ps thanks for the calendar--mine is sitting on my desk!
Hi Zoe, thanks for introducing yourself to me. I left a comment for you over at my place.
BTW, pretty blog you've got here.
I agree - - WAY PRETTY blog you've got there. And, I think we're in the same boat. My neighbor came over with his girl friend for about 45 minutes last night. My babes had his girlfriend playing in the back in about 30 seconds flat. I looked at Seth, and I said - - thanks for coming over. You're the first person I've talked to today besides the kids, and vise versa. He looked at me a little weird...... **sigh**
Thanks for linking to my blog! I look forward to browsing through yours soon...
Oh my! I'm so flattered you would honor us with an award! You are so sweet...and supportive of my blogging begining! I do feel like it connects us on a weekly basis! I miss your wonderful personality and company! We were so fun together Zoe! Can't wait to see you in March when we are up there! I have to say you have the nicest blog I've come across in the blogging world! Nice work!
thanks, zoe! i appreciate it!
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