I was just looking through some blogs and I saw this link to an online store called Found. The name really caught me for a moment and gave me a quick sense of elation as I realized that maybe I am "found" in my life.
Before you guys think that I am losing it, let me just tell you, I have had a rather rough week. I found out on Monday that a dear friend of mine has died, Asher almost got expelled from school for throwing another one of his famous temper tantrums, and I found out that our builder, who we have been involved in this lovely lawsuit with, is declaring bankruptcy. Nice week, huh?
The biggest thing to affect me was the loss of Mike, who was one of my first serious boyfriends (umm, years ago). I have been thinking a lot about the journey that our lives can take - each of us to different destinations. I have also been contemplating my own life's journey and whether or not I have lost some of myself along the way.
Tonight I had a little therapy session with my mother (thanks mom) who kind of helped me to see beyond the pain and struggles that we encounter in life. She helped me realize that this really is just part of the voyage.
This really helped because I have been feeling kind of lost this week. It wasn't until I saw the word "found" that I realized that maybe I am! Maybe my husband has found me. Maybe God has found me. Or most importantly, I think that I have found myself . . . at least for now.
So anyway, not to get too deep or emotional on everybody . . . I guess that I just wanted to share my little epiphany that in this life we might lose our way and feel lost sometimes but, we are all capable of being found.
Hi Zoe! Funny you popped by my blog today, I was just thinking about you.
I'm sorry you are having a rough time. Hang in there.
I absolutely agree. I know, for me, at least, that I have journeyed through many "losts" and "founds". And I have found, that although painful and uncomfortable, it's usually through those "lost" moments that I stretch and grow the most. Thank you for sharing....... And, I'm truly sorry that you have been hurting. Keep your chin up.....
Zoe. I'm so sorry for your crappy week. I wish I could give you a hug. When it rains it pours. I know that Sterling and the Lord both have found you and have you figured out! They will take care of you. We love you! Deep breaths, deep breaths.....
I'm sorry you have had such a YUCKY week!!
We all have times when we're a little lost (or at least we feal that way). But those times only help us to "find" out a little more about our selves.
Love the post very thoughtful.
Wow, that is a lot to take in all at once. I feel for you! I'm so glad that you have loving people around you to support you!
Thank you so much for your words of comfort - all of you. I really appreciate it.
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