Sunday, January 06, 2008

Hip Hip Hoooray!

I just wanted to let the world know that another one of my dearest friends has joined the blogging world!! Yippeeee! Some of our friends, the Brenays, whom we love to death, left us a few years ago . . . sniff, sniff . . . and moved to Arizona. Well, I stink at keeping in contact but Erica keeps me on my toes. I am so glad that they have a blog now so that I can see all of their happenings! Go over and say "hi" at Brenay, Blah, Blah . . . (btw, I love the name . . . it is so you!) They are an awesome family! Welcome to the bloggin world!


Anonymous said...

Oh Dear friend Zoe! I feel like you are right here in my living room after reading some of you blog and looking at your pictures! Can you believe I have finally caved? My blog hopefully will get better over time, but it is there now. Your boys are SO cute! We loved your Christmas card! We couldn't quit smiling every time we saw it. Can't wait to keep in better contact now (hopefully)! Take care my friend!

MarilynH said...

Zoe--I wanted to thank you for the comment to my blog--but I don't have your email address :) I would like the phone number of your cleaning lady! The service I used sends two ladies, but its 40.00 per hour.

beki said...

Hey, that's definitely something to celebrate!!