Monday, February 27, 2006

Signs That It Is Time to do Laundry!!!

This morning, as I went to the bathroom, there was this large, ominous presence looming over me. I turned to see (well, realistically, how could I miss it?!) about two weeks worth of laundry stacked up in the corner. Oh yeah, I seem to remember my husband saying something about having no clean clothes. Then I went to Myles' room. Pretty much the same story. So, it is going to be wall-to-wall laundry over here. Fun, fun for everyone.


Lei said...

Lol! I'm getting there, Zoe. I was up all night puking and am just getting my energy back, yet all I can think about is how much bigger that laundry pile is going to be tomorrow! :S

Patti said...

Oh I feel your pain. We had piles like that on Saturday. I think it took me two hours to fold it all.

Thanks for stopping by...I like your blog!

Evey said... happens to the best of us.

Just catching up on my blog reading today..I noticed you tagged me. Give me a couple days and I will be sure to get around to it:)

Linsey Farley Jameson said...

So that gigantic pile I have that looks similar to yours, means that I have to actually DO something with it besides make pretty "dirty laundry" art? We are at the stage where when you toss a sock on the top of the pile the whole thing topples.

Unknown said...


Lei said...

I love your budding new template, Zoe! Ugh, I need help!

Taylor said...

Oh goodness, that is NOTHING compared to what I have to dod...I have slacked off so bad lately :(

Zoe said...

Lei, thanks for liking my new template . . . I am working on it.

Linsey, I love the "dirty laundry" art!! We should start a trend.

Taylor, it is good to see you again girl!! :)

Tee/Tracy said...

LOL - Mine was like that two days ago but I took care of it. I'm safe for another day or two. LOL.

smart mama said...

you'd appreciate my ode to laundry post

Anonymous said...

Ha, this could be my house.
: )