Monday, August 01, 2005

On The Road Again . . .

Yes Sir! In approximately 3 hours we are heading out on the road to Texas. This will be our first official family road trip . . . the dog is even coming. Please shoot me now!

Sterling and I have armed ourselves with candy, movies, toys (unfortunately that play music), and Tylenol. We are hoping that the 24 hour journey will be smooth.

I am so excited for the break. We are going to be gone for 3 weeks! It is a miracle that I could pull my husband away from his business for that long. So, I hope to be catching up on all of my favorite blogs . . . since I will not have the usual distractions of cleaning the house, doing the laundry, cooking dinner, running the kids around, weeding the yard . . . did I mention that I needed a break!? :)

Well, I will have to report on our travels. For now, I should at least try to get a couple of hours of sleep in before we go! LOL!


Taylor said...

Can't wait to hear about your trip, STRANGER!

Tee/Tracy said...

Have fun, Zoe! I'm also excited to hear about the trip!

As for Blogger Biggest Loser, Email me and I'll Email you the official invite!

eyes_only4him said...

hi..I saw you on Tees left a comment on my

drive safe and have a good trip:)

Christina @ Working WAHM said...

God bless you for driving that far with 2 kids!! My word! Hope it's a fabulous trip.