Saturday, November 22, 2008


I love you Rob . . . er, I mean Edward.


Kathy said...

Edward was HOT! And I loved Twilight! AND we're moving back to Utah right before Christmas! I'll blog about it soon. But I think we definately need to have a girls night when I get there. I have missed you guys! It is time to PARTY:)

Tracy said...

LOL - I *just* heard about this "Twilight" phenomenon like yesterday. I'm so out of the loop.

I've heard conflicting reviews of the books/movies... Even if Edward is cute, did you find any of it cheesy? ... I read that the girls at the theaters screamed every time Edward came on screen. LOL.

Zoe said...

Tee-I can't believe that you haven't read Twilight!!!! Where have you been girl?? LOL!

You must read the books before you see the movie. It is good, not the best, but definately eye candy with Pattinson in it. Did I mention how hot he is . . .

Owen said...

Dreamy in fact. Just dreamy. Such longing, such romance, so much....tension....dreamy.