Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Conversation of the day . . .

Myles: "Mommy, why do you have a baby in your tummy?"

Me: "I don't have a baby in my tummy, not yet!"

Myles: "YES YOU DO MOMMY!! You have a baby in your tummy!!"

Nothin' like having your child inform you about some unpleasant weight gain.


Heidi P said...

Ohhh...I am sorry! You look wonderful-- Kids are so great though aren't they? Will has been telling me about our baby in my tummy too. Now that I am not nursing, I guess my stomach looks bigger. Yay.

Owen said...

It's called a "food baby"...hasn't he ever seen Juno??? It explains all of this. My friend tells us she just has a HUGE uterus so she'll never be able to have a flat stomach ever again. I'm adopting that one.

Kathy said...

Been there! Gavin asked me that question before I left for a GNO once. They are so cute, aren't they? They think they're onto something! Gotta love 'em!

Anonymous said...

Well, Zed, if it makes you feel any better, the lat time I saw Skylar Grace she looked at my tummy and said, "Grandma, you like like Gus the mouse from Cinderella." I paused and then taught her the meaning of the word disinherited............:)

Dee Light said...

Aren't kids great!!