If you live in Utah, you really need to visit this store. It has everything that is required for being a girly girl! :) They have a delicious bistro with pastries and chocolates. The decorating is almost like an over-the-top vintage shabby chic look with glitter galore and lace everywhere! The store is full to the brim with trinkets and treasures in every corner. It seriously takes hours just to carefully examine each and every item!! It is a candy store for the eyes!! I LOVED it!!
I managed to come home with a few little treasures. I had hoped to post some pictures but I haven't had the chance to incorporate my finds into my decor! I bought some glass prisms that are vintage cut that I am going to hang with silk ribbon in my guest bathroom downstairs. I also bought some ABC cards that (of course) are vintage looking that I was thinking of hanging in Asher's/soon-to-be Myles' room. (Asher would not tolerate such a decoration!) I will post pictures of that eventually.
When I came home (to an empty house as Sterling had Asher and Myles) I put Owen down for a nap and found that I had two packages waiting for me at the front door. What could they be?! :) :)
WELL . . . .
The first one was this adorable purse that I bought from Lisa at Pink Lemonade boutique. I have been an admirer of hers for a long time. I finally decided that it was necessary that I own one of her creations before she made it so big that I could not afford one!!

This purse was one that she made for a craft fair. When I saw it one her website, it was instant love. I was so happy to find out later that it hadn't sold (I can't understand why!) and went onto auction on Ebay! It is beautiful! Lisa is such a talented seamstress.
The next package was Joelle Hoverson's book "Last-Minute Patchwork and Quilted Gifts". I.LOVE.IT.! There are so many cute patterns and ideas in this book! I cannot wait to get started on some of these projects!

It was a nice, relaxing day! Which was good because, well, I had had this pain in my back for several days. I thought that it was just a pulled muscle. Little did I know that on Monday, when I was rudely awakened by the intense painful feeling of giving birth WHILE your appendix are bursting WHILE a cyst is rupturing WHILE you are having constipation WHILE someone is stabbing you with sharp razor blades WHILE throwing up in the toilet that it would be my gallbladder. Oh yes. Gallstones. Me. I never thunk it!
So, I am going to have surgery soon . . . but until then, the hospital discharged me with the last advice of, "Don't eat anything fattening or fried". Okay. So, now I am living in constant fear over having another attack AND I am starving!!! A recommended diet plan? I think not! So, I will have to post later about how that experience goes . . . .
And- as if this post isn't long enough! I just wanted to add a cute little thing that Myles has started doing.
A few nights ago, around 12:30, Sterling and I were asleep in bed when we heard this loud thud! Sterling went to check on it and it was Myles, completely naked, sitting on his training potty in the bathroom. (We have not encouraged any potty training since our last attempt!) He was so proud that we could hardly get mad at him. Sterling came back to bed and we just sat there in shock, waiting . . . not sure how long it was going to take Myles to "finish his business".
After about ten minutes we finally insisted that he put his diaper back on and GO TO SLEEP!!! I think that he is trying to tell us something . . . like maybe he is ready!! He has done this twice now. The sad thing is, with this surgery coming up, I don't think that I am going to be in any shape for potty training! Myles might just have to wait a few more weeks. In the meantime, I am going to get him some Pull-Ups so that there are not middle-of-the night accidents!
What a darling purse! Love it! And can I just say that I think Dear Lizzie is heavenly! Cute stuff and delicious treats. Hope you are feeling better!
That purse is so darling! I love dear lizzie. Thanks for such a fun post to read!
That's sweet about Myles. The purse is adorable! Love it - and that place, Dear Lizzie, sounds like so much fun! Lucky duck!
I'm sorry about the gallstones. That sounds awful. I've had a few ovarian cysts rupture and it sounds like a similar type of pain - lower back/rectum pressure, pain in the thighs, labor like pains, constipation... Not fun. {HUGS}
Hey Zoe- The purse is adorable. About the gallstones.. my dad had them and he told me he just had to watch his diet carefully before surgery. No spicy, hot, greasy or fried foods for you young lady. Hope all goes well with your surgery. I will give you a ring.
I hope your surgery is quick and easy. I'm sending up prayers for a quick recovery. It sounds like you had a terrible experience!
We're in the potty-trainging stage here too. Ah. What fun, lol. (I need a rolling eyes smiley face here.) Good luck!
Nice to catch up with you Zoe and yes what lovely packages indeed, I'll check out the websites soon.
Btw have plenty of rest and hope all goes well with the surgery
Take care.
Sounds like a fab day, I'm so glad I could be part (good luck on the surgery :)
Wow, what a pretty purse!
I'm sorry you have to have surgery. I often have patients come in writhing in pain from gallstones. If you DO have an attack, don't hesitate to go to the ER for some pain relief!
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