Monday, April 02, 2007

Little Birdies

With spring blooming up all around, I feel the overwhelming urge to create. I mean, really overwhelming. My mind has been so full of ideas that I finally decided that I was going to participate in a local boutique. Usually, my design work keeps me busy (and creatively satisfied!) but, my computer has been crapping out on me. Sterling bought me a new laptop that is due to arrive in a couple of weeks so . . . I guess that I have nothing else to do but craft!! (Well, craft and raise my own little birdies!) LOL!

I finished these 2 paintings first. I have been inspired by some of the stylized birdies that I am seeing all over the place. They are even on Noggin! So, I decided to make some of my own. I am going to do a boyish series as well. I don't know, I am just going to purge all of my crafting desires and see how much I can get done in time for the boutique! I hope that I am not the only woman who gets these overwhelming urges sometimes. Looking around at some of my favorite blogs, I don't think that I am! :) :)


Anonymous said...

Those are adorable!

Anonymous said...

That is so cute! I love them!!!

Brandy said...

Thanks for the comment! Your paintings are adorable!

Evey said...

So cute. I wish I was more creative.

Shionge said...

Great Job and so beautiful Zoe :D

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am back to tell you that your little birds inspired me. I am making some aprons for a craft show and they weren't coming out as I had envisioned, and all of a sudden I imagined a little bird (well, two) appliqued at the top--voila! My birds are more like chickens, but the inspiration started here. Thanks!

Scott said...

I could really see your artwork as decorative border, or in a children's book. Very cute and appealing.

Tee/Tracy said...

Zoe! You are so freaking creative! I wish my juices would flow like that. LOL. If you made those birdies into desktop wallpaper I would so snag it right this second. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Those are really cute-- love them!

Anonymous said...

Oh.....I love your paintings! If I could do that, my entire house would be covered. Alas, I somehow think my original and highly coveted Stick Figure Man won't make it to my blog or my wall anytime soon.

Lei said...

I love them Zoe! I may have to make some of my own now! Youa re definiteyl not on your own when it comes to Springtime creative spurts. I haven't had time to post any, but I am up to the same thing! Lol!