Monday, September 04, 2006

One Month!!

Oh my goodness!! Where do I even begin?! I cannot believe that one month has already passed since my little Owen was born. It has truly been a whirlwind of events . . . and somewhat of a blur too! I forgot that one little person could reak so much havoc in a mother's life! Owen is a wonderful baby. However, he still wants to eat every 2 1/2 hours! His life revolves around eating, pooping, and peeing right now. In fact, the other night, around 3 in the morning, Owen christened my bed frame, mattress, and nightstand when I was changing his diaper. Sadly, I was too exhausted to change the sheets (or wake Sterling up). As I lay there falling back to sleep in baby urine . . . with fresh vomit on my pj's, I thought, "this is truly motherhood"!!! Sad - yes. But, I would not change it for the world! Yeah, my standards have dropped a little, but I am happy. LOL!

My parents just left today. I had the luxury of having my mother here for 4 weeks!! It was wonderful. Unfortunately, it was postponing the inevitable. I have been panicking a little over having 3 kids!! I realize that many women have 3 + children . . . so, if they can do it, surely I can . . . right?! LOL!

My boys have been adjusting to Owen in their own unique ways. Asher is so in love with Owen. He surprised us all with his eagerness to hold the baby. Asher is very tender with Owen - which we love to see.

Myles, on the other hand, is still in denial. He has only acknowledge Owen a couple of times. Other then that, he has become more whiney and impatient. We are trying our best to make sure that he knows he is just as special to us. It breaks my heart to think that Myles is feeling left out but I know that he and Owen will become the best of friends when Owen grows just a little bit older.

This is a picture of the first time that Myles acknowledged his baby brother!

This weekend, my grandmother came over and met Owen for the first time! It is so sweet to see her with my babies. I still remember her touch and the comfort of being close to her when I was a child! She had a way with Owen immediately.

Well, my bed is calling to me . . . at least for another 2 hours until Owen wakes up again!! I will have to write more later. I just wanted to share a few pictures and thoughts on the last month. I also wanted to thank everyone for their congratulations and compliments! I am so grateful that Owen could be welcomed with such love! Thank you!


smart mama said...

He is SO precious zoe! - its hard when the help leaves- get some rest- adorable pics
FYI- kimber is due any day with her #3- a boy-

Lana said...

cute cute boys!! COngrats on the arrival of little Owen

Michelle said...

Glad to see some more pics of all your boys and especially the adorable Owen!!! don't worry you will manage with 3 is just the sleep that is the hard part!!!

Blackeyedsue said...

What a cute baby! I love how alert he looks in all of the pictures. That picture of him with your grandma and the way he is looking at her is priceless.

Lei said...

aw zoe he is darling... i want to see him! how's jan. sound? ;)

i'm totally serious. xoxo

kate said...

he's beautiful. that one with your grandmother is precious. truly.

Rachelle said...

He's so adorable!

April said...

What a handsome little guy! And he is still little (lucky you!). I love the picture with your grandma. I need to remember to take lots of those in a couple months.

Tee/Tracy said...


FINALLY! New pics! I love it :)

That's sad about Myles. Are you making sure someone is spending a little one on one time with him? Poor little guy.

Michelle said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog. I hope you are getting ready for a 2 month post with more pics of that most adorable baby!!!!

Taylor said...

ZOE! You're killing me without updates! I wanna see what he looks like now!

Evey said...

How precious! Just stopping in to say hello and see how things are going:)

Tee/Tracy said...

So - What's new?

{HUGS} :)

Perri said...

The picture with grandma is absolutely precious. It's like he is listening to her whole life story and taking in every word.